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Parched Plants: Planting for Drought Tolerance

Alyssa VinsonJune 12th, 2024Parched Plants: Planting for Drought Tolerance Once plush, springy, and verdant, leaves unfurled to collect the gift of sunlight. Leaves dancing in their daily rhythm, magically transforming sunlight to sugar, sighing softly in the twilight, releasing water vapor, and collecting the overnight dew. The image of a happy landscape seems like a memory in the […]

Shop Local in Manatee County

Nelly NelsonApril 2nd, 2024Agriculture has always played a vital role in Manatee County’s economy. With more than 220,000 acres of land dedicated to agriculture production, its economic impact, which is estimated to be about $500 million, is only second to tourism. Sadly, Manatee County continues to lose agricultural land every year due to economic forces, natural disasters and […]

How Manatee County Residents Can Prepare for a Hurricane

Nelly NelsonAugust 9th, 2023The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th, and if you live or work in Manatee County Florida, here is how Manatee County residents can prepare for a hurricane.   Sign Up for Alert Manatee If you live or work in Manatee County, you’ll want to sign up for Alert Manatee! You’ll […]

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